This is a busy time of year. October to January is a whirlwind of activities. We travel, we host, we cook feasts and scrumptious sweets. We attend festive events and balance all the activities that are offered while the snows begin to fall. We alternate between being pulled in a million directions all at once, frazzled and harried with moments of excitement that this Yuletide season brings. There is so much to disrupt routine and that is all okay.
Just as in life and gardening, there are seasons for the school year too. A myriad of possibilities for growth and connection occur during the holiday season. What other time of year is as full of traditions and focus on the family? We have Thanksgiving, a time to cherish being together, showing gratitude for blessings and feasting with our loved ones. For so many families, Yule is the time that has the most nostalgia and comfort of annual traditions.
These practices are so essential for a people to create and maintain an identity. There are stories that come with ornaments hung on a tree, some made from little handprints pressed into salt dough. Music played that brings up memories.
There is the fun of driving around looking at lights, making treasured recipes that connect us to grandmothers, aunts, and cousins. This is who we are, this is what our people do. It is such an essential part of learning to know our traditions and practice them. It is now time to focus on that.
The month of December is time to reflect on your journey so far this year and Asatru Academy will be reaching out to parents for conferences to see how their fall is going. As the darkness comes and we spend more time together indoors, we turn inward and toward each other. It is a great time to take stock of how far we have come and revel in the moments of togetherness. So, release yourselves from the burden of “should” right now when it comes to schedules. Our math lesson today is measuring out for cinnamon cookies. Our science lesson involves engineering a snowman to be upright. Our literacy comes from Jan Brett books.
Build a fire, light the candles, and put on the Nutcracker Suite. Whole people are rooted. We parents root our children with the security of tradition. Get out the cocoa, bake the cookies, roll the dough, watch movies, and read the stories. There is darkness outside, but within the home there is warmth and light. Our staff of Ásatrú Academy look forward to connecting with you and wish all of our AFA families a wonderful Yule and Happy New Year!
Rachel Kinsler
Homeschool Coach, Ásatrú Academy
~ From The Runestone, December 2024 ~